limited liability company with headquarters in Słupsk


Formerly until 31.03.2021 – Pomerania Nieruchomości sp. z o.o. spółka komandytowa z/s in Słupsk.
Data about the company, its history, experience in the conducted investments and currently conducted investments by the company.


I. Organisation of the company

II. Company details

  1. Name of the present company: Pomerania Ossowski Spółka komandytowa,
  2. Company address: 76-200 Słupsk, 5C Sportowa Street,
    Contact: Tel./fax. 59 – 84-265-25, kom. 608-201-564, 504-179-691
    e-mail: biuro@dzialkinasprzedaz.eu, andrzej.ossowski@wp.pl, ossa2@o2.pl
  3. The core business of the Company is:
    • development and sale of real estate on own account
    • buying and selling of real estate on own account
    • real estate services
    • construction
  4. REGON: 220342813
  5. NIP: 839-301-01-80
  6. KRS: 0000446075
  7. Amounts paid in limited partnership : PLN 580,000.00 contributed in full.
  8. General Partner : Pomerania Ossowski Spółka Komandytowa
    z/s in Słupsk 76-200, ul. Sportowa 5c
    District Court Gdańsk, KRS 0000415216
    NIP: 839-316-94-43, Regon: 221627512
  9. Personal composition of the Company’s Management Board as of 01.04.2021. :
    General partner of Pomerania Ossowski limited partnership – Andrzej Jerzy Ossowski
    (Professional experience of the managerial staff of the Company : Andrzej Ossowski since 1999 has been connected with managing and leading as the President of the Board or Vice President of the Board many companies dealing with purchasing, transforming, dividing, providing with technical infrastructure of the created plots of land and their sale, he has managed building investments and supervised them in Beta-Styl sp. z o.o, Majestic International sp. z o.o., Beta Styl Development sp. z o.o., A-Z Management sp. z o.o., from 14.12.2006 to 31.12.2012 – President of the Management Board of the general partner Pomerania Nieruchomości sp. z o.o., Pomerania Nieruchomości Ustka sp. z o.o., from 01.01.2013 to 31.03.2021 – Pomerania Nieruchomości sp. z o.o. limited partnership with a seat in Słupsk)
    Proxy: Cezary Adam Maciejewski, type – independent.